Country funny: it's home grown.
Truly, I believe the following to be one of my funniest moments ever; however, those without country upbringing, sensibility and sense of humor, may not find the belly laugh. My family still refers to this line, (albeit after a few drinks) while pointing at their own front yards.
Upon arriving at my friend's home in a suburb just outside of Philadelphia, I was not immediately welcomed with hugs and booze. Instead, my friends rapidly apologized for the disarray and neglect of the neighbor's house and yard, noting specifically the not one, not two, but three cars sitting atop cinder blocks.
They ended the apology with, "As you can see by the flag in the window... he's from West Virginia."
Rather than embarrass everybody by noting I grew up in West-By-God, I simply said, "Well, you can take the man out of West Virginia, but you can't take the car out of his yard."