Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wednesday. Another Super Quirk.

I fucking hate Wednesdays and the only thing good about them is Thursday comes next.

Thursday has always been my favorite day of the week. This could partially be due to the fact I have no problem dealing with a hangover on a Friday. Seriously, I don't mind being tired or hung over on a Friday because the end of the week is in sight. For me, Thursday is really the beginning of the weekend. Thursday is my own personal Friday. Thursday says, "C'mon Super, let's rock!".

Thursday is also (in my humble opinion) the best sounding day of the week. Say them all aloud and tell me it doesn't sound the nicest! I'm an audio girl and to me, these things matter.

In the meantime, I hate Wednesday. It's not even easy to spell.

Wednesday, you suck!

1 comment:

honeykbee said...

Yeah really. What's with the "dne" in the middle there? That doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, you know? It's a rather ugly word, and a rather ugly day. Here's to the end of Wednesday (*gulps coffee*)!