Thursday, June 22, 2006


I don't care what anybody says... I am an adult and it is okay for me to eat J-E-L-L-O for breakfast. And since I can't shower, I deserve a jiggly strawberry treat.
The plumber is here. Again. For the second time this morning.
This ordeal began at 8am (technically, the ordeal began a week ago), and I have not been able to take a shower today. He's a nice fella and had to come back to caulk around the new fittings. The drying time of said caulk?

24 Hours, my friend.

Looks like I'll be able to take a shower tomorrow, just about the time I should be fixin to leave with The Mister for a Southern Maryland wedding. It's just too hot to be this yucky!
If I had known, I wouldn't have worked out this morning!
Gross and gross.
Maybe I can tape some plastic around the new caulk and MacGyver my way into the shower.
Yippe-ki-ay, Buckaroo, I'm one dirty cowgirl who's gonna go wrangle a shower no matter what it takes.

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