Monday, June 05, 2006

Let's give this a shot...

After a weekend of letting blogger work on it's picture posting problems, let's see if the issues have been resolved.
BASTARDS!!!!! I suppose I'll just have to put fun links in my posts to keep you entertained.
This weekend was just Nice. You know those times when everything seems hectic as if the madness will never end? The Mister & I are going through one of those times and it looks like there's no respite to be seen throughout the summer. The Mister, or as he seems to be of late: The Mister Popular, is in many weddings this season and the first is coming up on Saturday. About a month ago began the shower-madness and I am just about Done with all this crap.
So... back to our lovely weekend. We started Friday evening with a date at Jaleo and far too much Sangria. Fantastic! Just the two of us enjoying ourselves with no presents, bows or "Oh thank-you; this S'more maker will really come in handy!" followed by a fake smile.
Saturday included a little bit of a rough start due to the aforementioned Sangria. After a yummy breakfast, we went to an early afternoon showing at the Avalon.
The Avalon is the oldest movie house in Washington, DC, and I am now in love with this place. In 2001 the wonderful neighborhood residents donated money, time and business sense to create a non-profit organization that saved this grand old cinema from destruction: The Avalon Theater Project. The ATP worked diligently over the next few years to restore the theatre to it's full regal glory, complete with the highest quality sound, screen, and projection capabilities.
We saw The DaVinci Code and although the book was my least favorite of Dan Brown's books, the movie (in my humble opinion) did it better than justice. I only have two complaints.
First, what the crap is up with Tom Hanks's hair? It's just all wrong.
Second, there was a lack of true climax. The movie kept my attention far better than the book, and it moved well; it just did not climax for me. This is not a terrible thing; the story took me about 3/4th's the way up the mountain, stayed there for quite awhile, enjoyed the view and then we hiked back down. Overall, I enjoyed it.
However, my enjoyment of the Avalon itself far surpassed my enjoyment of the movie. It was my first time visiting this gem in the city and surely it will not be the last.

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