Talent's return.
This past weekend The Mister, Talent and I drove to West-by-god-Virginia to make the handoff. Actually, we were returning Talent to our parents, but after an exasperated Talent said, "Please stop talking about me like an object; this whole 'handoff' thing sounds like I'm smuggled goods you're transporting across state lines."
Well... when you think about it...
Anyhoo! We decided to make the switch at my parent's cabin in Summersville, WV. This would allow us to spend a day out on their boat located at Summersville Lake. The Mister and I have been together for five years and oddly, he had never been to my rent's retreat. The weather was freakin' amazing and we got up at the butt-crack of dawn on Saturday to make the drive. We hit the road, Jack, met up with the rents at the cabin, and were out on the boat by 2. Oh. My. Glorious. Days. Summersville is gorgeous but this day could not have been more perfect.
This picture was taken from the overlook about a minute from the rent's cabin.
Summersville Lake is West Virginia's largest lake with over 2,700 surface acres of water and over 60 miles of pristine shoreline, ranging from quiet coves to vertical cliffs. Skin Diver magazine calls Summersville Lake "The Little Bahamas of the East Coast" for good reason, it's the cleanest, clearest freshwater lake east of the Mississippi. And it's freakin' HUGE. While I was trying to describe it, a friend asked, "Can you see the other side of the lake?". The answer is "No way, Jose'." You can drive around in your boat all day and not make it everywhere. The lake was created in the 1960's when the Army Corps of Engineers dammed up the Gauley River as a means of flood prevention.
The Gauley filled in the surrounding mountain valleys thus making Summersville Lake. Originally, the town was called "Gad", but after considering the name "Gad Dam", the name Summersville was chosen. The Gauley River has some of the best white water rafting in the world. Many people wait until the Fall water release of the dam when the rapids are at their peak, however rafting goes on through the Spring and Summer as well.
Also near the rents place -about 15 minutes- is the New River Gorge Bridge. It's the world's longest single span arch bridge (3,030 feet) and highest in the western hemisphere (876 feet). That's about the height of the Washington Monument with two Statue of Liberties stacked on top and room to spare. Here's me and The Mister after trekking to the bridge overlook with the bridge below.
After a day of swimming, boating and sunning, we decided to eat at a wonderful Greek restaurant in town. Dude. Just yummy. The restaurant is owned/operated by a super nice Greek family. Here's the place and if you look closely, you can see the family's Grandma up in the doorway. What cracks me up is the rest of the family lives in a giant, gorgeous house a stone's throw away. These people know what they're doing, though... put the Mother in Law upstairs from the kitchen with dish network.
It was an awesome weekend and spending time with my family was a long time coming. The trip, although brief, gave me my West Virginia fix and will prevent homesickness for quite awhile.
I have to say, though, the best part of the weekend? Being told where they stash the extra key. Oh yeah. I'm sooo going back and maybe I'll take friends!
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