Filled with HATE HATE HATE.
Yesterday was a bust. My "To Do" list included but was no limited to:
1. Pick up allergy prescription
2. Get the chariot's oil changed
3. Get a pedicure b/c one's toes must look SUPER-cute for the beach, no?
It wasn't much and it seemed the list was destined to be shot to hell. I got as far as the prescription and was stopped dead in my tracks.
Here's the deal and yes, I'm about to get bitchy and sound like an old blue-hair, to boot.
I'm a sicky-sickingston full of allergies. That kid in middle school with the snotty nose year round? That was me. Claritin is JOKE, people. A fucking cruel "is this a sugar pill?" joke.
In 2001, Claritin was made over-the-counter thus making all other allergy medicines somewhat null & void as far as the insurance companies were concerned. For me, it meant that my Zyrtec became ineligible for insurance coverage. It meant that instead of paying 5 bucks for a generic drug, or 10 for a brand name, I had to pay 30 smackers because Claritin went OTC.
My big problem is that (as I stated before) CLARITIN IS A FUCKING JOKE. It is only for outdoor/seasonal allergies and does nothing to help INDOOR allergies (mold, dust, pets). I have both outdoor and indoor allergies, and Zyrtec (like mana from heaven) treats both.It's so true... Lots of Allergies, Just one Zyrtec! I should be a spokesperson.
Yesterday, I found out my coverage for Zyrtec went from 30 bills to FIFTY. With no warning. BITCHES WANT A NIFTY FOR 30 FREAKIN' PILLS THAT I NEED TO PREVENT MIDDLE SCHOOL FLASHBACKS?
I'm about to take a bus trip to Canada with a bunch of senior citizens hopped up on Viagra and pissed off about the new Medicare plan. I'm sure to be a hit with the grandpa's and maybe a granny will take me under her wing and teach me to darn socks.
I didn't pay for the Zyrtec, instead the chariot drove me homeward where I spent no less than one and a half hours on the phone with my insurance company who in short, told me to jump off a bridge.
So, after The Mister told me to suck it up and "pay for the damned snot-prevention, we can't have you miserable and mean", I'm back out to the Rite-Aid where at least they are nice (the pharmacist even called my insurance company for me; but found I would have to call myself anyhow -SUPER props to Rite Aid -LOVE THEM).
But today I am focusing on HATE, and therefore will mention the dreaded CVS. Don't even ask about the Medicine Commies at the CVS. Those CVS pharmacists can kiss my ass because I would rather bleed out from my eyes than get a prescription filled there.
Enough hate for now, I'm off to the lovely Rite Aid to sell my soul in the name of Allergies.
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