Tuesday, August 29, 2006


This Sunday a couple of our friends are getting married. They are an awesome pair and we could not be happier for them.
But, and this is a big BUT, we couldn't feel more sad for them either. The Groom's mom has been sick as long as I've known him which is not quite five years. We first met through The Mister long ago when The Mister was The Soon To Be.
It doesn't look like The Groom's mom is going to make it through the day and it's just devastating. I can't imagine the helplessness they are feeling. The roller-coaster of emotions must be staggering. I saw The Bride on Saturday and she was holding up nicely; everything was prepared for the wedding. It's unsure if they will have the wedding or postpone -they were crossing that bridge as it came to them.
The scenario itself could break your heart, but to actually know and love these people... And not know how or what -if anything- you can do for them. All anybody can do is be there when they need you.
That's what being a friend is all about. Just being there.

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