Thursday, November 16, 2006

I've kept you waiting, but for a great cause!

It's been a couple of weeks since my last confession and before that it had been a little sporadic at best. I've been a bad, bad blogger, but all in the name of Purpose.
A little over a month ago, I received a call from a woman I'd worked with on the Kerry campaign. She said, "Super, I need you." And I had to tell her I had jury duty. Two weeks of jury duty, a heart stopping "the trial will last at least 14 weeks" and finally being dismissed led me to Ohio for the democrats once again. I stayed with Dads but never really saw him for the two weeks I was there. Campaign work is NEVER EVER finished and late-nights and early-mornings are the name of the game. Who needs sleep? There's always the day after the election. What I did not realize is we would win. I've worked on a few campaigns and had never before won. This time around the candidates were great and it was exciting to see people genuinely interested in their choices without having a 'lesser of two evils' attitude. Although during this campaign, I actually had --key point here-- HOPE, it never occurred to me that winning would inspire a two day debacle of which only Bacchus could be proud. Woo-hoo Senator Elect Sherrod Brown, Governor Elect Ted Strickland and Congressman Elect Charlie Wilson!!!!
Today is a week later and I'm finally alone. During my time with the campaign a very nice guy (I'll call him Arrogant Dutch, but I mean that in a good way) from The Netherlands who had been in Ohio volunteering for two months was sent to our county by the Sherrod Brown campaign. We worked really well together with our Regional Director and made fast friends. I feel like I found a long-lost brother (which is never out of the realm of possibility knowing my dad's history). Arrogant Dutch has another week in the US and has been staying with The Mister and me. We've visited a couple of art museums and met up in the evenings with The Mister and other friends. He's taking a couple of days to visit -gasp!- a republican (I told him if she breaks his heart it's his own damn fault: he should know better) and wow. WOW. Am I ever enjoying the solitude. Don't get me wrong, I love people, but I've been in a crowd for a month straight. It all ends Friday though because not only is Arrogant Dutch coming back for a couple days, but Moms, Stepdads and sister, Talent, will be in DC for the weekend as well.
No, no, please, let me entertain you. I live for being a tour guide.
After they leave, I may head off to Key West for a couple of weeks. Red and her sister Ray (of Marietta) have rented a house for a month and asked me to come visit. I think I could use a vacation with warm weather, a notepad, pen and of course, sunscreen. Quiet and beauty are things I just might be able to tolerate! I'll let you know if I go, because I do not think I'll have internet.
The past few weeks have taught me so much about myself and I have a bundle to sort through. Most of you know, I spent a bit of time writing a book. It seems I'd like to take it to a quiet place and burn it. No, no, no, I'm kidding. I want to re-work it and see if I deem it worthy of actually doing something with it. On top of that, I'm considering going back to school and definitely wondering if DC is really the place for me to make that happen.

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