Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Idealistic hot tempers.

I’ve been in a funk for about three days now. Part of the problem was having a headache since Sunday. It seems that although allergies did not give me much of a problem last year, they’re back with a vengeance this lovely spring. Last night, I scrounged around my nightstand and rooted-out a lone Zyrtec. It knocked me out, but damn did I wake up feeling fine. That is, when I finally woke up. That stuff really makes me sleepy even if it does calm the allergy beast.
Today is sunshine-y and pretty, albeit a little brisk. I called my doctor for another prescription of the almighty Zyrtec and my life seems back on track. A little yoga and a hot shower and I’m a brand-new woman.

However, I am currently a fired-up brand-new woman.

Each day I check the website of the newspaper from my father’s hometown. It’s fun for me to keep up on the town I hold so dear, and I love stumping my dad by leaving messages on his answering machine that go like this:
“Hi, daddy! I just wanted to know how you like that new Stop sign at the corner of Greene and Front streets. Call me; I love you!”

Today, however, I read something that just got me worked up worse than an alcoholic in a soda store. In the “Letters to the Editor” section, there were six letters published. Four of the letters were regarding the upcoming primary election. All four supported Republican candidates. The other two letters concerned a traffic accident and an amendment to the Ohio State Constitution. Four of six letters supporting Republicans and not one letter or article regarding a Democrat. Astounding.
I’m obviously a Democrat, but I’m also an Idealist. It would also upset me if it were the other way around. It’s just wrong. I worked in the media for seven years (four of those years were in this particular town!); small town reporting of politics makes me sad and angry. It’s blatant and biased.
I wouldn’t feel right about writing my own letter to the editor; I no longer live there. However, I did send my dad an email regarding the issue. He may be a Republican, but he is a good man with high ideals. He’ll call me tonight, and I’ll ask him to write a letter. Daddy has a hot temper and a big vocabulary. (The Mister doesn't wonder where I get it from; he knows I come by it honestly.)

It’s sunshine-y outside and I’m hopeful that tomorrow’s newspaper will run four letters for the other side.

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