Monday, April 10, 2006

Past Blasters

Today I was going to write about my weekend. The Mister & I had a good time at a party on Saturday afternoon; then we ran into some good friends and found ourselves immersed in beer at the Birreria Paradiso in Georgetown.
As we get to know each other, dear reader, you will find the way to this gal’s heart is through her liver. I love good beer; the kind the monk’s make.
However, this morning’s developments have me reeling.
I received a reply to an email I sent to a ‘long lost friend’. Not so big a deal, had I not sent the original email over three years ago. Who responds to an email from three years ago?
I had written the guy to tell him I’d gotten married. We were college friends and it’s safe to say I’d considered him my best friend. Until he fell off the face of the earth; then I had to move on to people who I knew were alive.
We’ll call this guy, Te, for now. We went to a small college in Ohio and had a couple other really close friends. I’m still close with two of these people. Te’s last known whereabouts was somewhere in Texas with a girl he’d dated in college. None of my other friends from our group had heard from him either.
This is the message I got (mind you, I think it’s in response to an email I wrote telling him I’d gotten married to a wonderful man and I thought they’d make great friends):

Subject: just got your message
I know its been a LONG, LONG time, but even email is very slow in the virgin islands...please, PLEASE, give me a call at (340) ***-*** ANYTIME, day or night. glad things are going well, i absolutely want to catch up. You too still have that special place in my heart. CALL ME.
Lots of love from the VI,

By the “You too still have…” I must have told him he had a special place in my heart. This is a fairly typical thing for me to say because I’m a bit on the sappy side. The rest of it, has taken me quite by surprise (including the email itself).
The Virgin Islands? Okay, I can go with that. But first of all, I must admit it’s hard for me to believe that email is slow there. Maybe you’re slow with your email, but don’t blame the islands. I think I’m happy to hear from Te; to at least know he’s not dead. However, I was a little hurt by the sudden disappearance, as were our other friends.
The Mister thought the whole thing was interesting and entertained the thought of a vacation for us. The Mister is an amazing husband.
I think I’m going to go for a walk. I put Te’s number in my phone in case I decided to call; we’ll just have to see.

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