Monday, July 31, 2006

Funk it up.

During my recent quest for funkiness, I forgot to mention two very important things about my recent Ohio trip.
The first is that the Dranks, Drinky & Red, are doing awesome. I hung out with them and baby Drank (we'll call her "Sip") for the better part of an afternoon. (*The Mister was having the holiest of hangovers and didn't make it out of bed until 3:00 in the afternoon. Then he came over to the Drank's house and as we left, he puked in the street. Although I'm pretty sure the Dranks were spared the visual, now they know how The Mister defiled the street in front of their lovely abode. I have no leeway to say anything though, I puked on the front lawn within a week of their moving in. The Mister and I are great friends to have, I swear.*)
The Dranks are turning out to be great parents and baby Sip is the best baby I've seen yet. Drinky & Red want a dozen or so rugrats, so I'm sure there's an evil baby in their future. It'll be their sixth and they'll name it Damien, I'm sure. Hopefully, they'll get all babies as wonderful as Sip. She's just the cutest, happy-baby ever!

No, no, no... None for me, thanks.

The second thing is I got my hair cut. All funky like, I think. I took some pictures that I will post as soon as blogger gets their shit back together and picture posting is fixed. We shall see, boys & girls... We shall see.


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