Friday, August 04, 2006


According to today's predictions are for a high of 94 with possible isolated thunderstorms.
"Odd." I thought upon reading, "That's exactly how I feel; hot and capricious."
I'm still a teensy bit under the weather (clever, no?), but it's nothing advil won't help out. Upon waking, though, it was clear I had no determined mood; let's see how that pendulum swings.

In the meantime, Ben Folds Five albums have been permeating my life recently. For the past three weeks or so, I've heard/read/made no less than six references. (The most recent is in today's blog by OxyMoron) These references have prompted me to give my own shoutout.
I adore Ben Folds Five. After the breakup, I still enjoy the music of it's members. My love began in highschool with their debut self-titled album. It was ripe for the pickin' by this seventeen-year-old band-geek percussion girl with pink hair, baggy clothes and too little self-esteem. Aside from the in-your-face piano, bass and drums mix (Who knew the piano could sound this way?), the music and lyrics compliment and speak to each other, blending amazingly; it's a privilege to listen in because soon you realize, the music is speaking to you, too. "Philosophy" changed me for the better with it's angry hope "I see that there is evil, and I know that there is good, but the in-betweens I never understood...Go ahead you can laugh all you want". The song "Underground" became an anthem and told my heart, "Don't look down no more..." and justified my awkward weirdness. "The Best Imitation of Myself" broke my heart.When the album Whatever and Ever Amen was released, I was first in line. I'd read a rumor and SWEET JEHOSEPHAT -it was true. A song entitled "Kate". After listening, I looked around my room for the camera like any paranoid smoker would. It was too real, how I could play Wipeout on the drums, always wore the same thing, loved to make mix tapes; and there may not be daisies in my footsteps but there's definately one tattooed on my chest. WHERE'S THE FUCKING CAMERA? I like to think it's my theme song.
It's true that every person who was ever in a shitty-for-any-reason relationship should listen to "Song for the Dumped". The resentment is palpable and honest. The line, "And don't forget to give me back my black t-shirt" is so wonderfully spiteful, it fills you up with a big dose of validation.
The music is beautifully true to BFF's style and all these years later it still makes me smile and want to yell, "Fuck you!" laughing from the rooftops.

And this is where I stop. You see, Ben Fold Five has been playing in the background and my earlier predicted forecast has changed like the wind. Sunshine; not a storm cloud in sight.
Have a wonderful weekend, my friends. Just enjoy it.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I love "Underground." That line where the backups go "It's Industrial!" and then there's a metal clank...brilliant.