Wednesday, September 06, 2006

As if I'm a 5 month old baby, "YAY! I SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!"

I think I died a little last night. Those who read regularly probably have figured out I'm a bit of an insomniac. The past two weeks have been no exception and The Mister had gotten tired of waking up in the middle of the night to find an empty space where I should have been. I started feeling wonky and pseudo-Tyler Durden without the violence and aggression... that I know of at least.
It had gotten to the point my (doctor recommended) sleep-aid was simply making me woozy instead of sleepy. I would take the stuff and go to bed when I got tired, only to awaken two hours later in a punch-drunk half-stupor unable to drift back into Sleepyland. It's a new version of "lights on nobody home" because although my eyes wouldn't close and my mind was racing, my thoughts were disjointed and erratic.
Last night remedied all that plagued me and I slept. The Slumber came and stayed overnight. This new bedfellow can stay every night as far as I'm concerned. I don't even think The Mister will mind sharing me with The Slumber. It makes The Mister's life a bit easier as I'm not a wandering dazed crazy woman when The Slumber stays over.

Well, I'm off to enjoy the day: Awake, alive and fully conscious!

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