Super Sternwheel.
My weekend was nothing short of amazing. The Mister and I boarded the chariot and drove to Ohio for the Ohio River Sternwheel Festival in Marietta, Ohio. Think of a festival with scores of Sternwheelers, a profusion of people, countless classic cars, a myriad of music and more funnel cake and fair food than you could shake a french fry at.
We arrived late Friday evening and drove straight to Capitall and Wino's abode for a good old fashioned drunken' marshmallow roast. Booze, fire, sticks and marshmallows always make for a good time. That is, until The Mister seriously burns himself with a marshmallow he didn't realize was just a tiny bit on fire. Put to lips, sticks to lips, sizzle. Poor guy didn't say a word; he just went inside, cleaned off the stickiness and came back out to the party.
We awoke five hours after the party on Saturday morning and I wasn't aware he had burned himself until I saw the blister with my bleary eyes. The Mister said it didn't hurt and we rolled out of bed to meet Drinky, Red and baby Sip at the farmer's market. Baby Sip is still the best baby ever and it was fun to tote her around the market. Drinky introduced me to their Heirloom tomato farmer friends. They grow all sorts of other things, too, but...
Oh. Sweet. Tomatoes. From. Heaven.Not to leave out the best grapes I have ever eaten; so good The Mister calls it "Grape Candy". We loaded up on local produce, honey and cheese, then headed to The Harmar Tavern for breakfast and beverages (aka "antiseptic for the burn victim"). A greasy spoon breakfast topped off with a Red Eye is one helluva way to get the day started.
Saturday evening, we hit the town to get fully tanked before the bombs bursted in air. You can see it worked, matey. Crooked Hook Super; mess with my drink and I'll gouge your eyes. I'm not even trying to explain this; just know, it was as hysterical as it looks.
I left the decision making to The Mister as he seemed well equipped to make judgement calls (see picture) and it was his first Sternwheel festival. We decided to ride up to Red's parent's house to watch the fireworks. Mommy and Daddy Red are amazing people and I feel privileged to know them. Their home sits atop Harmar Hill and overlooks the city lights. They say they bought a view with a house and someday, The Mister and I are determined to become their neighbors. A good ways above the display, the show was phenomenal. It may be a small town in Ohio, but the fireworks display is -I swear, no exaggeration- first rate.
The Mister was in a little bit of shock as he's seen the Fourth of July fireworks in DC since he was a little kid. However, a snob he is not and he freely admitted it to be "fucking amazing!" and stated, "I had no idea... certainly did not expect that."
We lingered a few hours just chatting and bonding and I can only hope that at some point in every person's life, they feel friendship like this.
It would stand to reason that on Sunday we would have packed up and driven home. Oh no; after an early brunch with my family, The Mister and I met up again with Wino and Capital for "a cup of coffee before heading out of town."
Coffee somehow turned into a trip out to the Dranks castle (I'm really not joking when I use the word 'castle'. It's huge, stone and complete with a fireman's pole and cave for escaping out the wine cellar.) Yours truly may have ended up stripping down to her underoos in a hot tub with Capitall, Mommy Drank and a tasty friend called Bloody Mary. So much for a cup of coffee.
The drive back was a little sad as it was such an incredible weekend. I knew I was in the right place though, because as I was pulling my bag from the backseat, The Mister whispered, "Super...look." I turned my head in time to see a little mini-weenie puppy prancing past.
My gasp got her attention and she came right over with a little tail waggle "Hello." We introduced ourselves and little Dee let me pet and fawn all over her. We said our goodbyes and as I turned to The Mister he whispered, "Super, I think this weekend you touched a few dreams."
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