One step closer to clones and a Nola Preview:
Last night I saw a new Macy's commercial about how they are opening stores all over the country. Surely we all know by now, Macy's bought out the May Company Department Stores (including Hecht's and Marshall Fields).
Great. We'll all look the same in approximately one season.
Here in DC, we just took it in stride with a bit of nostalgia, but not so in Chicago. They threw a hissy with protests; my favorite protest quote, "Macy's Is Just Wal-Mart with Pretension".
I'm back from New Orleans, but just about to dash off to work. I've got so much to tell, but must organize my thoughts first. My system of organization revolves around the meals I ate which says a lot about my trip. Here's a taste of what's to come:
*The Mister wandering around happily telling me "It's my turn to be drunk!" (buddy, mission accomplished).
*A downpour on the way into a football game that left me soaked through to my underoos.
*Trying to get dressed for dinner and passing out, face down, on the bed; waking up four hours later and asking where we had gone to eat.
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