Sunday, January 14, 2007

Crash Into Me... No really, please.

Adding insult to injury I was crashed into on my way to work Saturday evening.

The Mister is in Oh, Canada, and Aunt Jane took me in last night with hugs, wine, smoke and love. Aunt Jane rocks.

I woke up this morning feeling as if I'd been hit by a car.

Oh, yeah...

I'm fine-ish; just bumped, banged and bruised. Actually, I'm a bit more stiff than anticipated. Eh, guess the body doesn't bounce back the way it used to. The Chariot returned me safely home and although she will need surgery, she is somewhat okay. (The car that crashed into me was SCRUNCHED.)

You know what impressed me the most aside from the Fine German Engineering? I was cool, calm and collected. If you had asked me a week ago what my reaction would have been, there is no doubt I would have said, "On my knees hysterically thanking sweet baby jeesus for sparing my soul... And begging somebody -anybody- for Valium, because for the love of everything sacred, COULDN'T THEY SEE I NEEDED IT?!"

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