Such stuff as dreams are made on.
When the weather is icky, it's tough to get moving. This past weekend was good, although a bit too much. Too busy, too populated, too drunk, too much.
Saturday we started the day with a trip to the DC DMV Inspection Station. Yeehaw! What a fantastic journey; the next time you've got a Saturday morning to waste, have your car inspected.
Of course the rest of Saturday afternoon was spent watching cooking shows on PBS. That really is what Saturday was made for. From 2:00 to 5:30pm, I've got everything I need in life: The Mister, snacks, Julia Child, Jaques Pepin and a skinny j. However, I did have to ditch out of cooking class early to make it to recess: a tame, but fun, bachelorette party.
The party was just a few girls getting together at the bride's house with lots of drink and filthy girl talk. The Mister picked me up and refused to get me "nuggets from Donald's house" no matter how much I begged. He insisted, "You'll be so mad at me tomorrow if I let you have mcnuggets." To which I drunkenly replied, "So you'd rather have me mad now?"
"I made hummus; you like hummus. We'll get you some at home."
"Mister, why do you hate me?? Hummus sucks. Fuck hummus. I want Donald's."
Many people live out their fantasies after a few drinks; my fantasies are about Chicken McNuggets. In the meantime, I think hummus is the new hangover prevention because I woke up alive.While driving to the studio on Sunday with The Mister and Hunglish (our 6'6" friend who makes me feel like a townsperson in Gulliver's Travel), I saw my little guys. A lucky-ass bastard in our neighborhood has two mini-weenie dogs (it should be noted, that I accidentally typed "gods" instead of "dogs" there; although I worship the little guys, they are not quite deity-esque). I am somewhat obsessed with miniature daschunds and there they were.
The Little Guys are the two cutest mini-weenie's ever; I've been stalking them for almost a year now, but hadn't seen them in almost two months. The Little Guys were walking their owner up Tunlaw and I almost exploded with joy.
"LITTLE GUYS! LITTLE GUYS! IT'S MY LITTLE GUYS!" I screamed from the backseat. I was breathless. "They're alive! Oh my god, they really aren't dead! Just look at them!"
The Mister and Hunglish asked if we should stop so I could go meet them.
"Oh, no. Don't stop... You can't touch a dream."
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