Zapped! Part V
This is my final Zapped! installment. After my post-op visit yesterday, I learned that I am actually 20/15. That's right, I have bionic vision. This was to be expected of course; my body doesn't take much cajoling to eek out its full Super Power Potential.
The Mister is not as fanatical about picture taking as I am. He took a few the day of the surgery and this was taken while driving me, The Corpse, homeward:Super Corpse with nametag for identification lest I forget who I am. I'm pretty sure I don't have a double chin in Real Life; this being a Fake Life, of course.
Though I look it, no, I'm not dead; I was given two Valium and a Tylenol PM after the surgery. That'd knock a grown man off his horse, let alone little me. Hell, I think I'm still woozy.
Over the past five days, I have also become bionically spoiled by The Mister. It got off to a rocky start as he developed a nasty sinus infection and was not as enthusiastic about my needs as I had hoped. Part of me really wanted him to say, "I would looooove to help you wash your hair while you hold a towel over your new bionic eyes!" Instead it was more, "Sure. Whatever you need. "
But two doses into his antibiotic, he snapped to attention and took care of me like a champ. It probably didn't hurt that my solution to Rule #3 (No water in or around the eyes for 1 full week.), was to take a bath, suds up my hair, hold a towel over my face while The Mister poured water over me with a big spouted mug. At first he was skeptical, then waaaaay too excited. All I wanted was to be clean; all he wanted was to jump in with me. "No splashes! The Mister behave yourself lest I go blind! Surely you read the Rules!"
Alas, I can only be so heavy-handed when I've been given a Vicodin. (They really do load you up with the drugs! Good thing, too, because I've set self-restrictions on self-medicating until my eyes are completely healed.)
It's been a good ride, but The Mister is done with spoiling me. It's time for me to repay the favor and fully thank the man. It will take awhile because The Mister was really wonderful. Thankfully, tonight is my first night without having goggles taped to my face. Let me tell ya', that is sure to put a chink in your chain. Aside from the raw-tape-ripped-off-spots on my forehead and sticky residue on my cheeks, those huge, taped-on, goggles have kept me from fully enjoying my Vicodin induced sleep. Tonight's the night!
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