And for my encore...
Saturday was Drinky's birthday. I don't call him Drinky because he eats a lot; however, I do think perhaps it should have been my nickname for the weekend. *See this post for an introduction.*
Not only was it Drinky's birthday, his sister graduated from college, his brother was in from California and these people know how to Party. We'll call the family: The Dranks. They take their debauchery seriously and to top it off, they are great friends and good people in general.
The massacre was held at the family A-Frame house by the river. The A-Frame is a small cabin with a dock beside a field and is basically a party place. This is where I've attended a few parties and you know to expect a bit of mayhem when The Dranks decide to throw down here.
The Mister, Wino, Capitall and yours truly showed up around 8pm because we knew the real party would begin after dark. There were lots of people, a bonfire, food, fun and amazing amounts of alcohol. The Mister and I took a six-pack to share as we wanted to be alive and well the next day; we had to drive five hours home and it's no fun with a hang-over. Believe me, I've done it a gazillion times so we tried to plan ahead: no insanity, drink only the bottles we brought.The best laid plans... After I had four of our six beers (and The Mister still does not know this), I began re-filling my bottles at the keg. This was at the prompting of Drinky's stepmother who is quite the hott amazing woman. I wish I had a picture, although I'd probably keep it to myself. As she pointed out, I wasn't breaking the rules if they were still the bottles we brought. You have got to love a woman can be this smart even when she's three-sheets.
The party was complete with a big ol' karaoke getup. We all hung out, sang birthday songs with helium making us sound like the lollipop guild and in general had a wonderful time. Here's Drinky and wife Red singing a little ditty called, "Paradise By the Dashboard Light" -This is "their song" nobody wants to know where their new baby was created and therefore, nobody will ride in their car. Red's looking pretty hott for having a baby a mere 3 months ago! Hell, I think she's looking hott, regardless. 
The Mister brought out his "Humpty Dance" and by request, Jay-Z's "Give It To Me". The Mister has lots of practice; he was in a hiphop band for six years. He's a great musician and performer, and as Daddy Drank said, "Wow, The Mister! We had no idea you could do that!"
I wish I could say they were the only people who rocked the mic on this brisk evening.
At some random point, I decided to try another First to tack onto the list of things I have done once but should never repeat. I trotted myself up to the dj and made a request.
Although I've been told in the car that I sound remarkably like a young, Jackson-Five, Michael Jackson, I never intended on proving it by karaoke-ing "I Want You Back" by the aforementioned Jackson Five.
The next time anybody sees me stumbling towards a microphone, lure me away with a drink.

The Mister brought out his "Humpty Dance" and by request, Jay-Z's "Give It To Me". The Mister has lots of practice; he was in a hiphop band for six years. He's a great musician and performer, and as Daddy Drank said, "Wow, The Mister! We had no idea you could do that!"
I wish I could say they were the only people who rocked the mic on this brisk evening.
At some random point, I decided to try another First to tack onto the list of things I have done once but should never repeat. I trotted myself up to the dj and made a request.
Although I've been told in the car that I sound remarkably like a young, Jackson-Five, Michael Jackson, I never intended on proving it by karaoke-ing "I Want You Back" by the aforementioned Jackson Five.
The next time anybody sees me stumbling towards a microphone, lure me away with a drink.
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