Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Zapped! Part III

Yesterday (Monday) I had my Zapped! pre-op visit. It went well and the procedure is tomorrow.
I will try to write about the rest of my weekend before getting Zapped! Apparently, I'm not supposed to be in front of a computer for a couple of days post-op. I may have The Mister post something to at least let you know I've not been maimed. We'll see.
I have much to tell because I still haven't mentioned the Drinky & Red Show on Saturday night. What a hoopla and so much fun! I even karaoke'd -- for the most part anyhow.

***BTW, Zapped! is not what it's actually called. After many questions/comments, you should know that I'm calling it that because I think it's funny.***

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