Friday, October 13, 2006

A magical place.

If you read this blog with any regularity, you know how often I go to the state that is round on both sides and high in the middle. That's right, OHIO!
In the Southeastern corner, where the Muskingum meets the Ohio River lies a magical place called Marietta. I have travelled all over and never found a place quite like it. It is a small town with a fabulous mix of people. You see, Marietta is close enough to large cities that many people can be quite trendy but not homogeneous. This is because the town is far enough away from it all that you still have the character and flavor of those who have never gotten the heck outta Dodge and are still living in 1995, 1985 and even 1975.
They are river people and as Credence crooned, "People on the river are happy to give." These are people who work hard and when the whistle blows, they are ready to play. Friends come easy and when you walk down the street you will most likely get a nod and a smile.
Any 'bustle' you may find is located mostly on Front Street where you can find one of a kind boutique shops like Twisted Sister and Rossi Pasta. There are places like The Brewery and Austyn's (though it was The Bistro when I was in college) where I can honestly say, I grew up. I found my Self there and fell into step with who I am and who I want to be. During the day, they were quiet and I wrote many papers there; later I would return to celebrate after getting my grades.
I must mention the wealth of local talent. From musicians to potters to jewelry makers, all are people with incredible gifts who love Marietta so much they refuse to leave for greener pastures. Ask them and they will tell you, this is the greener pasture.
This is where I was born. My mama took us away when I was just one and I grew up in West Virginia. Daddy and his family have always lived there, although they are a little more spread out now. When it came time, I returned to my birthplace and attended Marietta College, a tiny liberal arts school. Not until I graduated and moved to DC did I realize this little college earns quite a bit of recognition. When you're there, in the middle of it all, it's easy to lose sight of the outside world.
Oddly enough, my truest friends stayed in Marietta. Drinky was actually born and raised there. We met in concert choir and not until we had known each other for three years did we figure out our fathers grew up together. Drinky's father, Daddy Drank, actually has some crazy tales about one of my aunts... at least I come by it honestly!
Capitall and I met in the college theatre and helped establish The Arts and Humanities House. Many coffeehouses and open mic nights later, here we are: still friends -closer now than we ever thought we'd be.
Thank goodness Drinky and Capitall married people I love and adore! And the way they have taken to The Mister is just incredible. He loves them, too.
I have to wonder, "Is it the town or the people I hold so dear?" I have to believe it is both because without one the other would not exist.

Have an amazing weekend... I intend to!


KOTWF said...

Call me this weekend, we'll. I want to hook up...but I won't be around Sunday. I have to go be a Godfather for the Germans.....

KOTWF said...

Grammar abilitie's .... leafing .... all am .... dark .... help, me super .... i dye