Obsession Monday!
Ten things that keep this girl's boat afloat, in no particular order:Champagne - Mama loves me some champagne and those little bubbles go straight to my head in a way that makes life a little more sparkly. Drop in a dash of orange juice and I'm on my way to a Good Day; add a shot of lychee juice and you couldn't wipe the smile off my face with a Brillo pad.
Julia Child - Yes, she has gone to the pastry shop in the sky, but PBS loves me. They provide me with at least one program a week. Every Saturday at 3:00pm I can be found dancing along to the theme song and ending with a big ol' "Bon Appetite!"
Rubber Gloves and Clorox - Back home we call it "going on a tear" (that's 'tear' like 'rip' not 'cry'). I have my methods of motivation and when I get going, look out.
Vanilla Wafers - The Mister calls me "Nilla" for a reason. In college I would carry a box in my backpack. Who needs a math book if the wafers won't fit?
Rollerball and felt-tip pens - I have a slight obsession with nice pens and I despise all that is ballpoint. This is totally justifiable because I write a lot. (see below)
Pretty paper - The bottom drawer of my nightstand is filled with nothing but pretty paper. I have to make a difficult and concerted effort to stay out of stationery stores. Websites like this and this do not help the situation. (see above)
The Mister - I didn't want to get all sappy too early in the post, but yeah, I'm kinda ass over teacup for him.
Sleeping through the night - It is a rare occasion but when I sleep through the night I am unstoppable. Everybody knows about my insomnia and how it makes me all loopy; still you have to admit, it's a little cute and quirky how I forget names and seem drunk-giddy when I'm straight as an arrow. Okay, maybe I *hope* it is cute and quirky. Last night I was so exhausted I don't remember The Mister dragging my ass to tuck me in bed. When I write "last night", I mean 8:30. And of course I woke up at 11:45pm with no hope of going back to sleep. Still, when it happens... nirvana.
Weather.com - It used to be The Weather Channel, but without cable, weather.com will have to do. Officially, I have become my grandfather and that's okay with me.
Little Guys (aka miniature dachshunds) - Mini-weenie dogs (again, I accidentally typed 'gods' instead of 'dogs') make my heart soar with glee. Their little tails must have motors attached and their ears are like spun silk. Mini-weenies, oh how I love thee.
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