Monday, September 04, 2006

Age 250?? Just another beta test...

Mostly I'm just testing this new Beta Blogger out again...

I just noticed that somehow the age in my profile is 250.
Although there are occasions where I may feel like a corpse, last I checked all body functions were fairly normal. And just because I've recently become obsessed with the crow's feet around my eyes, there isn't a shit-ton I can do: They run in my family! There's no amount of eye cream to stop it. And there's no way blogger would know I was having an internal wrinkle crisis.
Yes, somehow blogger changed my birth year to 1756. Well, the correct year does, in fact, begin with a "1"; however the rest is super wrong.
Stop fucking with me blogger!
Although it's odd, I'm leaving it. Unless tomorrow I think it's just stupid. Then I'll change it back.

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