Wednesday, September 13, 2006

When there's no one else, complain to the blog.

I've had some insane pain in my shoulder/neck area for the past three days. Pain that makes your finger tingle and causes nausea is probably bad.
Mostly I don't want to mention this to The Mister because he worries so much.
And he won't be home this week. The Mister is working on another long-form-movie program and he'll be working quite late every day.
Normally I would say something and he would work the kinks out; or if The Mister wasn't around I'd go visit Aunt Jane who would rub my shoulder with some wacky concoction. Aunt Jane is in Hawaii and The Mister is MIA. Instead, I've been popping ibuprofen like they're tic-tacs. Interesting how they're a little sweet, huh?

Anybody want to come over and help a girl out?

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