Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Compliments. I know this is going to come off the wrong way, but...

It's a strange phenomena, these women who can't take a compliment. Yes, there is something to be said for being modest, but there is also something to be said for graciousness. I had never encountered it before coming to the area, and now, occasionally, I find myself slipping into the wrong. Just take the damn compliment, ladies; don't point out flaws or shrug it off. Take it.
This phenomena is how I stumbled upon the realization of why I adore my Ohio friends so much. This is, of course, not the sole reason I love them; not even close.
With a wink and a smile, I'll tell you one reason they are so great: They tell me I'm beautiful, pretty, hot, sexy, whatever and it's genuine.
Yes, it sounds very self-absorbed, but we all shell out these compliments. There's nothing fake about it; nor is it trite. It is not the simply the compliments themselves; it's the authentic generous nature of these wonderful people that these accolades represent.
Let me give an example.

The Mister and I walk into a bar searching for the couple we are meeting. The man of the couple jumps off his bar stool, gives me a great embrace and says with a big smile, "You look gorgeous."
This is where things anywhere else might get hinky, as this man's wife is on the other stool. However, not here. This woman will jump off her chair, have a similar exchange with my husband while I'm receiving my hug, then she and I will fawn all over each other. Genuinely. "That dress was made for you! You're radiant!"
In the meantime, the men are exchanging handshake hugs they way good man-friends do.

The exchange is sincere with nothing phony about it.
We really love each other and want each other to know how wonderful, amazing and foxy the other is. I've never met men so eager to pay a compliment and women so confident they don't mind if the compliment is for somebody else.

I love these women. There is no cattiness, no backbiting and no jealousy. We want each other to be Great. Don't be suspicious or down on yourself; just take the damn compliment.

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