Super Super bo Buper, Bananafana fo Fuper...
It's the old John vs Johnny, Joe vs Joey, Jen vs Jenny, Rebecka vs Becky thing...
My name has been a bit of an issue for the past 9 years. You know me as my alter-ego, Super, but outside of bloggerland, I am Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious**. (Fine. Fine. FINE. Super is not my real name, but as I've been told, "You can't nickname yourself." It's my blog and I'll call myself whatever I damn well please.)
I grew up as Superie. My whole family with the exception of a few members of my step family called me Superie. In college, I was dubbed Little-Superie because my next-dorm neighbor was a 6-footer also named Superie (what are the chances?!). Many of my college friends still call me Little-Superie.
Then I got a job at the top 40 radio station during my sophomore year. It was my major, after all, and I (along with the Station Manager) decided Super was more 'radio friendly'. Super is more radio friendly; it is concise, easy to understand and has a more professional feel. From that day forward, professionally, I became Super.
Then I moved to DC for a radio job and as my coworkers became friends, the lines began to blur. They all knew me as Super instead of Superie. At parties, I'd be introduced as Super. I was with a coworker when The Mister picked me up at a bar. He met me as Super, but now he calls me Superie. It's endearing and frankly, I like it better.
My email is Superblahblah@blah, but that is simply because one day -you never know- maybe I'll have the need to be professional again. Anything is possible.
Regardless, in an informal setting I prefer Superie. Super makes me feel a little buttoned up; Superie makes me smile.
Most likely though, I'll answer to just about anything. Hell, I have college friends who drop the actual part of my name and simply call me Little.
It would be awesome if people called me Super in real life, though... Dude that would kick a little bit of ass. However, that wouldn't be quite fair to The Mister since he was the original Super. I kinda stole it, but Little Super doesn't sound nearly as... well, Super.
**Would you believe that Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is actually in the blogger spellcheck?
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